22 Jan 2024
Behind the Scenes
What's new for 2024: Hobday & Hicks

What's new for 2024: Hobday & Hicks
Paul Hicks (sculptor) and me (game writer) are excited to announce our latest project to realise a new range of 28mm fantasy miniatures created for collectors and hobbyists of traditionally sculpted, white metal miniatures.
What are we doing?
We plan to start things off with a new range of Orcs and Elves, with the intention of releasing fifty miniatures for each faction. Due to the scale of this project and its being a new start-up venture, it will likely be going to Kickstarter*. Why Kickstarter? A well-run Kickstarter campaign provides us the best chance to bring this project to life, cover all our costs, and deliver exquisite figures in a new setting for an exciting, award-winning game that both Paul and I feel invested in.
We are ambitious and looking to release 200 figures (minimum) via crowdfunding within 12 months. To be able to manage this, we would need to approach the initial range as two separate projects.
The new miniatures will be supported by a set of fantasy skirmish rules based on The Barons' War rule system, so Barons' War Fantasy (it really needs a better name!), which will mean the addition of magic, monsters with multiple wounds and army lists for Elves, Dwarfs, Humans, Orcs, Undead and Monsters.
*Yes, I appreciate there are mixed views about Kickstarters in the tabletop miniature industry. With that in mind, I am currently writing a blog post to share my personal thoughts and experiences.
Why are we doing it?
We want to start a new 28mm miniature business named Hobday and Hicks, offering various miniatures, starting with the range of fantasy figures. If the initial Kickstarter succeeds, Paul and I will set up an online store to sell our miniatures. This website will run as a new miniatures company, with regular releases and new products added to the range. We want to create a business for collectors and hobbyists of traditionally sculpted white metal miniatures. Each Kickstarter, once successfully fulfilled, will be released via the new Hobday & Hicks website.
When will it happen?
It's happening now. Paul is currently sculpting Orcs and Elves.

And for those who want to play Barons' War Fantasy, work is underway on army lists and magic rules, so I will be looking for playtesters shortly to provide feedback.

I intend to share new rules and ideas via my blog and newsletter, so subscribe to keep updated with all developments.
We have also set up a Hobday & Hicks Facebook group. This group is the current home for the community.
Who is helping us?
While we get started, we are very fortunate to be able to enter into a business agreement with Footsore Miniatures & Games, who have initially agreed to make our master moulds and cast our master miniatures. We are looking for other people to work with, and I plan to share our journey via my newsletter.
If you have read this far, don't know who I am, and want to know more, hop over to the About page. If you don't know who Paul is, read more about him below. If you want to be updated once a month, subscribe to my newsletter.

Paul Hicks is a traditional tabletop figure sculptor who has been creating figurines for over 20 years. Beginning his career as a hobby sculptor, his work quickly gained the attention of the wargaming community. He has since sculpted figures for a variety of companies, including, but not exclusively, Empress Miniatures, Brigade Games, Footsore Miniatures & Games and Steel Fist Miniatures. He was also a co-founder of Bolt Action Miniatures.
Paul's sculpting process begins with research. He studies historical documents and photographs to ensure his figures are as accurate as possible. Once he has a good understanding of the subject matter, he begins.
Paul's work is known for its high level of detail and realism. He takes great care to capture the individual features of each figure, from the smallest weapon to the most intricate piece of armour. He has a keen eye for scale and proportion, which is essential for creating realistic and playable figures.
A passionate advocate for traditional sculpting, Paul believes there is something special about the tactile experience of working with the putty and his tools. He is committed to creating the highest quality traditional figures possible. He is a valuable asset to the wargaming community, and his work is highly sought by players and collectors alike.
Paul also creates custom figures for collectors and charity.
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